Osho Zen

The Osho Zen Tarot is a deck of 79 cards illustrated by artist Ma Deva Padma. These cards emphasize being in the present moment and making the NOW your point of power. The cards come with a substantial companion book that explains the meaning behind each card and introduces eight different spreads.


  • Deck has a nice feel to it, particularly when shuffling
  • Cards are a creative and spiritual interpretation of the classic Rider-Waite deck
  • Self explanatory cards are easy for anyone to read
  • Cards bring you into the present moment


The Osho Zen Tarot is very different from all other tarot decks. The Osho Zen Tarot deck contains 79 cards and is designed to give us insights in the here and now. It is based on the pronunciations, thoughts and ideas of the Indian guru Osho and the ancient wisdom of Zen.This wisdom sets that all the things that happen around us are a reflection of our own thoughts and feelings, even when we. The Osho Zen Tarot is a deck of 79 cards illustrated by artist Ma Deva Padma.These cards emphasize being in the present moment and making the NOW your point of power.The cards come with a substantial companion book that explains the meaning behind each card and introduces eight different spreads. The images on the cards of the Osho Zen Tarot are contemporary modern paintings that even the inexperienced user will be able to relate to. The conditions and states of mind shown on the cards are essentially transitional – and if we can just take a look and see things as. The Osho Transformation Tarot is a collection of timeless parables and teaching stories from the world’s great wisdom traditions, as told by the contemporary mystic Osho. These stories - from Zen or Sufism, from the lives of Jesus, Buddha, or Lao Tzu - are packaged as a set of cards with accompanying booklet.

  • Roman numerals on the Major Arcana (confusing!!!)

There are a million things I love about the Osho Zen Tarot, but my favorite thing is the way they feel. The cards are sturdy enough to be durable, yet bendy enough to shuffle nicely. The finish is somewhere in between matte and glossy, so they aren’t annoyingly slippery. Also, the card dimensions are perfect – cards measure 3”x 4.25” so they are slightly shorter and wider most tarot cards, making them easier to shuffle if you have dainty hands like myself.

Osho zen karty

The Osho Zen Tarot has taken the Classic themes and images of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot and re-imagined them from a spiritual, Zen perspective. The result is so refreshing and inspiring! Cards that often leave me feeling cold and hopeless in the Rider-Waite deck, such as the Five of Pentacles, have a real sense of possibility in the Osho Zen Tarot and it is easy to see ways breaking free from your current struggles.

The Osho Zen Tarot re-imagines the traditional tarot in a way that is positive and empowering, but without being too wishy-washy or nauseatingly upbeat. For example, The Ten of Swords is replaced by Rebirth (10 of Clouds), so instead of a guy with ten swords stuck in his back, we see a young boy rising out of a lion which is rising out of a camel. This picture makes it obvious that the card is about rising above and moving through different phases, always evolving. Its so easy to interpret this card in a way that is helpful and empowering.

A unique aspect of the Osho Zen Tarot is it’s incredible ability to reveal the dysfunction of our minds and the ways in which our egos keep us prisoners – all the while making it possible to identify escape routes and solutions to our problems. For example, “Clinging to the Past” replaces the Four of Cups and the image is so clear in illustrating what this cards meaning is and what we need to do to instantly feel better.

Which brings me to another great aspect of the Osho Zen Tarotpretty much anyone can read with these cards. Each card has one or two words on it which capture the essence of the card’s meaning. So if you have been struggling to learn Tarot and find that a lot of the more traditionally structured decks, such as the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, don’t resonate with you, this deck could be your saving grace.

Osho Zen Books

Cards that have always stumped me in the Rider-Waite deck are crystal clear in the Osho Zen deck and I find myself thinking “oh, now it makes so much sense!”
Court cards are easier than ever to interpret and you won’t ever find yourself staring blankly at the “King of Swords” thinking “what the &#%* does that mean?”

Osho Zen Deck

Buy this deck if:

  • You have struggled with learning the Rider-Waite deck
  • You find traditional tarot decks to be kind of scary or negative
  • Court cards are your nemesis!
  • You are more concerned with the present moment than the future
  • You have an interest in meditation and Zen

The Osho Zen Tarot is one of my absolute favorite decks and I use it frequently when reading for myself and for professional readings. I find that the Osho Zen Tarot inspires me to live in the NOW and to turn inward in order to understand and change what is going on outside of me. These cards just radiate wisdom. In fact, reading from this deck is like having your own enlightened Zen master sitting in your living room with you!

Click here to buy this deck through Amazon (this is my affiliate link)

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Tarot card illustrations © OSHO

The images on the cards of the Osho Zen Tarot are contemporary modern paintings that even the inexperienced user will be able to relate to. The conditions and states of mind shown on the cards are essentially transitional – and if we can just take a look and see things as they are, the act of seeing can transform them.

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'If you have looked meditatvely at the Tarot card… And they are cards to be meditated upon; they are old secret methods of meditation. The Fool is standing on the cliff, one foot dangling, hanging over the cliff – and he is not aware, and he is looking at the stars and he is very happy. His head must be full of dreams. And he is carrying four sacred symbols on his back, and he is not aware what they are. he is not even aware that he is carrying four secret symbols on his back. These are the four secret symbols: the jungle, the forest, the garden, the home. ...' --Osho, The Path of Love Talk #3


  • Bird: Spirit of air, imagination, possibilities, happiness, 'the soul', entering into a higher state of consciousness
  • Buddha: Perfection, pure consciousness, self-realization, ultimate wisdom, compassion, stillness, transcendence of duality
  • Butterfly: Transformation, flightiness, lightness, temporariness, fragility
  • Camel: self-satisfied, unawareness, temperamental, foolishness
  • Chain: Conditions, limitations, boundaries
  • Child: Potential, simplicity, innocence, joy, perfection, transmutation
  • Circle: Pure space, spirit, totality, wholeness, femaleness, no beginning no end, self-contained, heaven
  • Clouds: The changing nature of the mind, hiding or covering, hidden blessings, oppression, heaviness, or if unformed lightness and non-seriousness.
  • Colors:
    • Violet = red (hot) + blue (cool) : Intelligence, balance, equality
    • Red: Strength, energy, fire, the sun, passion, sexuality, masculine, active principle
    • Pink: Love, perfection (red + white = pink; strength + passion and purity = love)
    • Gold: Truth, enlightenment, splendor
    • White: Purity, perfection, innocence, illumination, sacredness, simplicity, yang
    • Black: Void, death, time, night, cold, yin
    • Blue: Water, coolness, depth, space, heaven
    • Grey: Clouds, change, neutral (able to move into any direction), between dark and light
    • Green: Nature, abundance, spring (yellow + blue = green; i.e., warmth of emotions + coolness of wisdom = renewal, creativity
  • Crystal: Insight, clarity
  • Cup: Open, receptive, feminine, the heart
  • Dolphin: Playfulness, intelligence, sensitivity, gentleness, joy
  • Eagle: Inspiration, strength, authority, spiritual principal, a bridge between heaven and earth, masculine, solar, expansive
  • Eyes Open: Awareness
  • Eyes Closed: Inward looking, or being asleep
  • Fire: Transformation, power, energy, strength, passion, purification, inspiration, masculine, solar
  • Flowers: Full development of potentialities, expansion, open and sharing
  • Fruit: Juiciness, fertility, essence
  • Hair (long, flowing): Energy, freedom of thought (inspiration), life-force, virility
  • Hair (shaved): Renouncing the physical
  • Hair (disheveled): Confusion, unhappiness
  • Halo: Light of truth, radiance, vital energy
  • Hand (empty): Open, receptive, feminine
  • Hara: The center of vital energy in the body, just below the navel, life-force center
  • Headless: No-mind – beyond thinking
  • Jigsaw Puzzle: The game of life, the whole picture comprised of many small pieces
  • Knife/Sword: Division, power, aggression, mental, cutting through (i.e., clarity)
  • Leaf: Perfection, spiritual unfoldment
  • Leaves (green): Fertility, regeneration
  • Leaves (autumn): Letting-go, maturity
  • Lightning: Thunderbolt, revelation, shock, divine power, enlightenment
  • Lion: Fearlessness, power, individuality
  • Lizard: Wisdom, secrecy, silence
  • Lotus Flower: The product of the union of opposites – light (sun) and dark (water), symbol of spirit and transformation
  • Mantis: Playfulness, non-serious inquiry
  • Monkey: Transformation, trickster, curiosity
  • Moon: Mystery, perpetual renewal (phases of), inner knowledge.
  • Moon (full): Enlightenment, feminine magnetism
  • Moon + Sun: Heaven and earth, the sacred marriage, gold and silver
  • Night / Darkness: Unknown, emptiness
  • Nudity: Innocence, natural, unashamed
  • Octagon: Number of regeneration, rebirth
  • Pointing (upward): Life, heat, male, King in court cards, spiritual
  • Pointing (downward): Lunar, feminine, receptive, Queen in court cards, cool
  • Pointing (left): Movement from the passive toward the active, Page in court cards
  • Pointing (right): Movement: the active toward the inner, Knight in court cards
  • Rainbow: Bridge of heaven and earth, spiritual + manifest, full spectrum of possibilities
  • Rocks: Challenges, barriers, inflexible
  • Rose: Heart.
  • Rose + Thorns: Perfection/passion
  • Sheep: Conditioning, status quo, 'the crowd'
  • Snake: Rejuvenation, sexuality, cunning, totality, self-sufficiency, the end is the beginning
  • Spiral: Fertility, the source of regeneration, a vortex, the creative force
  • Square: The manifest, known, stable form
  • Sun: Power, divinity, splendor, wisdom, illumination, masculine, source of life
  • Tiger: Authority, wealth and accomplishment
  • Torch: Life, truth, immortality, intelligence
  • Tortoise: Self-contained, at home in water (emotions), on land (physical)
  • Tree: Nourishing, rootedness, abundance, sheltering, stillness, strength, endurance
  • Triangle: Threefold nature of the universe
  • Veil: Illusion, maya, darkness, ignorance
  • Venus: Love, passion, creativity, femininity, imagination, sexuality
  • Wand / Staff: Support, authority, journeying
  • Water: Emotions, depth, intuition, flowing, the unmanifest, potential, purification, the womb and birth, life–giving
  • Wheel: Time, fate, karma, change
  • Wings: Freedom, flight into the unknown, the power to transcend the mundane
  • Wreath of Leaves, flowers, worn on head: Success, achievement over the material
  • Yin/Yang: The complement of opposites.
    • The black side: depth, darkness, unmanifest, soul, intuition, flexible, night, female
    • The white side: active, day, male, manifest, expansive, rational.
    • Together: a perfect balance of the two primary universal forces
  • Zodiac: Cycle of transformation, inter-connectedness of existence (heaven and earth), the world of phenomena

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