Lorem Ipsum Visual Studio Code

Generate Lorem Ipsum text in your editor or CMS of choice. Download or install one of these free plugins to add placeholder text in WordPress, Sublime and more. For those shipping code via the Brackets text editor, we’ve got a treat for you. Check out the link below for a full-featured Lorem Ipsum generator designed just for Brackets.

Generate lorem text using visual studio code. You need to have Visual Studio Code 1.25 or higher for this extension to work. Credits Lorem Whatever uses the 'markov-strings' module by Simon Cambier to generate random nonesense-filler-text based on some text examples. Emmet and Visual Studio Code. Working with Emmet in Visual Studio Code 7m. Emmet in VSC problems. Video: Adding lorem ipsum. This movie is locked and only viewable to logged-in members. Embed the preview of this course instead. Skip navigation. Press F1 type lorem ipsum and select to insert either a line or paragraph.

Lipsum 2010 is a free Lorem Ipsum generator for Visual Studio 2010.

To use it, simply type 'lipsum...' (without the quotes, of course) on any line and the interface will appear.

With Lipsum, you can generate any number of the following types of content:

  • Paragraphs (HTML paragraph tag formatted or non-HTML formatted)
  • Sentences (HTML paragraph tag formatted or non-HTML formatted)
  • Characters (very useful for testing string lengths)
  • Unordered and Ordered lists (HTML formatted)

New in Version 1.1:

  • Added CSS style insertion option so you can test CSS classes with the lorem ipsum. Anything to save some typing. ;)
  • Paragraph and sentence generation no longer include a leading space.
  • Updated UI background to look a bit better now that our lead designer is back in town. Need to let him work on the UI now, lol.

New in Version 1.2:

  • Easter Egg! Try typing damsun... instead of lipsum... Happy April Fools! :)

New in Version 1.2.1:

  • Changed opacity and number of generated items to be accurate :)

I am actively supporting this tool on my company web site: http://support.aurigroup.com

Below are screen shots of Lipsum in use in the HTML editor. It is also very helpful in the code editor for generating strings of exact lengths!

Figure 1: Simply type 'lipsum...' on any line and the interface appears.

Figure 2: Click 'Generate' and the lipsum text is generated! In this example, a CSS class named 'someClass' was included.

Text Power Tools is an all-in-one text manipulation extension for VS Code inspired by TextFX for Notepad++ and Filter Lines and Text Pastry for Sublime Text. All commands supports multiple selections where it is applicable, and many of them can target new documents, so the original source remains unchanged.

All features are available from either the Command Palette or the editor context menu. To access the commands from the Command Palette use Ctrl+Shift+P, and enter tpt or part of your favourite Text Power Tool command name (e.g. filter, guid etc.) to quickly access the list of available commands. Almost all commands are available from the editor context menu, which is accessible from the Text Power Tools submenu after right clicking in the editor area.

Html Lorem Ipsum


  • VS Code Marketplace:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=qcz.text-power-tools
  • OpenVSX:https://open-vsx.org/extension/qcz/text-power-tools

Note: Due to current architectural limitations of VSCode, no extension can access files larger than 50 Megabytes. Vote for VSCode issue 31078, which once implemented, will allows this extension to work with these large files. In the meantime you can trick VSCode by opening a new file and copying the content of the large file there (without saving).


Lorem Ipsum Visual Studio Code
  • Filter lines using strings or regular expressions (grep like experience): Filter line commands take an input – a raw text or a regular expression – and filter – exclude or include – the selected lines using that input. It works like the grep command but inside VS Code.

    • Protip: The command provides a history feature with the last 10 filter texts available to use immediately.
    • Protip: Filter comamnds can project the results to a new editor, so the original content is not modified. This way you can create multiple projections from your content without reloading the file or reverting the changes made by the filter command. Search for commands with into a new editor at the end to use this feature.
    • Protip: These commands search/match in a case insensitive manner. To use case sensitive search/match, set the value of the textPowerTools.caseSensitiveFiltering setting to true.
  • Change case of text (camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, CONSTANT_CASE, dash-case, dot.case) and swap casing.

    • Note:Title Case, UPPER CASE and lower case is not implemented in this extension as it is available in VS Code by default via the Transform to Title Case, Transform to Uppercase and Transform to Lower Case commands.
  • Slugify and latizine text (latinize removes all diacritic characters)

  • Insert decimal, hexadecimal and Roman numbers: Inserts increasing/decreasing decimal, hex or Roman numbers. You can even specify the starting number and the step size for them. You can use one selection and it will prompt for how many elements to insert, or you can use multiple selections and it will insert the a number from the sequence into every selection.

    • Protip: When inserting hex numbers, by default they will be uppercase. To insert lowercase hex numbers, set the value of the textPowerTools.insertUppercaseHexNumbers setting to false.
  • Convert numbers from decimal to hexadecimal and vice versa

  • Insert series of items from predefined list of items: Inserts sequence of items from a predefined set. You can use one selection and it will prompt for how many elements to insert, or you can use multiple selections and it will insert the a number from the sequence into every selection. Currently the following predefined sequences are supported:

    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Uppercase Greek letters
    • Lowercase Greek letters
    • NATO phonetic alphabet
    • Long english month names
    • Short english month names
    • Long english day names
    • Short english day names
    • Long current/custom locale month names
    • Short current/custom locale month names
    • Long current/custom locale day names
    • Short current/custom locale day names

    (Note: current/custom locale means OS locale or the locale specified in the textPowerTools.customLocale setting)

  • Generate fake/random data:

    • Random hex/decimal character sequences
    • Fake first names, last names and full names in the following languages: English, French, German and Hungarian.
    • GUIDs/UUIDs (globally unique identifiers or universally unique identifiers) using multiple predefined formats (no dashes, dashes, dashes and braces, C# Guid constructor).
      • To insert GUIDs with uppercase hex characters, set the value of the textPowerTools.insertUppercaseGuids setting to true. The default GUID style can be set using the textPowerTools.defaultGuidType setting.
    • Lorem ipsum sentences
    • Lorem ipsum paragraphs
  • Pad start and end of strings: Pad the start or the end of selections to the desired length with default or custom character sequences. The default pad string can be customized with the textPowerTools.defaultPadString setting.

  • Insert line numbers: Inserts line numbers to the start of each line in every selection. Line numbers can be real line numbers in the file or can start with 1.

  • Remove duplicated, blank, surplus blank, empty, surplus empty lines and control characters

  • Prefix, suffix and wrap lines: Prefix, suffix and wrap lines. Wrap uses either the same prefix/suffix or different ones.

  • Insert full file path, directory path and file name of the opened file.

  • Escape text for JSON and convert text to JSON string

  • Insert Unix timestamp

  • Extract information from the source lines using regular expressions: First input is the regular expression which should be matched with capture groups to find the desired parts of the lines (e.g.: (d.d) dogs). The second input is the replacement rule, which should contain capture group references (e.g. $1 cats). With these commands you can transform matching lines to the desired format in seconds.

    The last 10 filter strings and replacement expressions are presented and can be used quickly when executing these commands.

  • Count occurrences of lines: This command will counts how many times a line appears in the selected text and generates an output with the number of occurrences and the lines themselves.

  • Various sorting methods which all supports ascending and descending orders

    • Case sensitive sort lines
    • Case sensitive sort lines starting at column
    • Case insensitive sort lines starting at column
    • Sort lines by length (and then case sensitive)
    • Sort lines by length (and then case insensitive)
    • Sort lines by semver rules
    • Sort lines by word count
    • Sort lines by grapheme count (taking care of surrogate pairs and combining marks thanks to Voca)
    • Sort lines containing IP addresses
  • Shuffle lines

    • There are additional commands to convert between them using 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit arithmetic
  • Increase/decrease decimal and hexadecimal numbers

    • There are commands to increase and decrease with 1 and with a custom increment.
    • There are additional commands to increase/decrease hexadecimal numbers using 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit arithmetic.
  • Format content as table by splitting text to pieces by predefined or custom characters or strings and formatting them as a table with equal length columns using space characters.

    Text can be splitted by tabulators, semicolons, commas, pipes or any custom character sequences.

  • Text slots, which are permanent clipboard entries in your VS Code. There are 5 of them. You can store a text in one of these slots with a command, for example Set text slot 1 content, and paste it with Paste text slot 1 content later. Recommended to bind the paste commands you use to a key combo of your choice for the quick usage.

  • Encode and decode various encoding formats: URL encode, HTML entities, XML entities and Base64

  • Convert to Zalgo text

  • Copy content of selections to a new editor


Filtering in action


  • Opening the VS Code Command Palette with Ctrl+Shift+P
  • Entering filter, so Text Power Tools' filter commands are dispalyed
  • Selecting the Text Power Tools: Filter lines including string into a new editor command
  • Entering tiger as the filter text
  • The command runs and pipes the result into a new editor

Extracting information in action

Counting the number of occurrences

Formatting text as table


Before 1.16.0, the extension required at least Visual Studio Code 1.26.After 1.16.0, the extension requires at least Visual Studio Code 1.50.



Lorem Ipsum Visual Studio Code

Sample images use text files from the Elasticsearch Examples and TensorFlow Models projects. Both are under the Apache 2.0 License.

Lorem Ipsum In English

My other extensions

  • Restart TS server Status Bar button – Convenient button on the Status Bar for restarting TS server: VS Code Marketplace / OpenVSX